Rwanda - Gasharu, Natural

Rwanda - Gasharu, Natural
Country: Rwanda
Region: Western Rwanda
Farm: Gasharu
Importer: Umuko Coffee
Altitude: 1700-2100 masl
Processing Method: Natural
Roast: City
Tasting Notes: gingerbread, apple pie, candy hearts
Umuko Coffee may be a new company but their legacy is over 43 years in the making. Jean Christophe (Chris) Rusatira’s family has been growing and processing coffee in Rwanda for more than four decades and during that time their profits have remained extremely low, with little to no improvement to the quality of life in the community. Umuko Coffee is committed to breaking the cycle of poverty in coffee farming communities who have long suffered from unfair practices in the industry. Umuko is the Kinyarwandan name for a native East African tree species which held great significance for the people of the region. It is the spirit of sustainability and care that is at the heart of Umuko Coffee’s unique business model. Umuko Coffee gives smallholder coffee farmers and processors like Chris’s family a voice and will ensure transparency and connectivity from cherry to cup.
Photo credit: Umuko Coffee